Tuesday 3 May 2016

My opinion of Planetbase

My opinion

So over the past few days of playing Planet base ive learned new things about the games yet still fail.
As an opinion about the game, its an addicting  little game, and with and overall scale out of 10 I would rate it 7.5/10. I rate it at a 7.5 because i didn't fully understand how to play the game, so i was confused and at some point lost in the game. This game is for people that know what there doing and can re adjust to awkward situations. In the beginning you are rushed to build an oxygen filled airspace for your colonists to live and to have enough energy to survive the first night. I failed doing this multiple times , because i didn't know what to connect to one another. But if you are familiar to these types of game then you will love this game. This game is base on survival, how you do with limited resources, and awkward situations. 

This game has potential to be a big game if it had a few add ons and a few tweaks. Like make it so your colonist can travel to search for supplies, or travel to different colonies to trade, or travel to different planets and make a new colony will still having your old one. And for the tweaks they should fix some bugs.

Overall the game is fun, but its not a game for me just because i don't fully understand the game properly